This WP develops tools for analysis of experiments and data in close collaboration with the experimental WPs and external partners across the board in CitBIO. Many single-particle screening assays and single-molecule tracking experiments push the envelope of achievable spatiotemporal resolution, including experiments using high-end microscopies. We aim to make the most of the limited information they can deliver. In other cases, theoretical considerations inspire novel assays. To these ends, we use physical and statistical modeling of experiments and data acquisition, and we optimize protocols for both and for data analysis. In every case, we work in a feedback loop between the experimental protocol and our modeling and analysis of the experiments and data.
WP members
Henrik Flyvbjerg, Associate Professor
Kim Mortensen, Senior Researcher
Martin Schmidt, PhD student

Figure: (a) Multi-color ultra hi-res 4D imaging of intra-cellular trafficking using lattice light sheet microscopy. (b) Careful modelling and analysis of single-particle 3D images enable optimized analysis of intra-cellular mobility and fate of particles.